Pomsky Overall Impression.
What is a Pomsky?
US Pomsky Kennel Club: Breed Standard V1.0 (2023)
This standard is copyright to the USPKC and may not be reproduced without permission. You may copy and paste this document to your own webpage provided that that page links back to this location and this header remains intact.
Permission is granted to use with attribution for non-commercial purposes. Created 2017. Last revised July 2023.
Introduction The US Pomsky Kennel Club was founded in 2018 with a goal of standardizing a multi-generational crossbreed of Pomeranian and Husky into a small companion spitz breed with ‘husky’ markings.
Additional breeds may be added (with disclosure) to stabilize the breed (contact the USPKC for more information). The USPKC exists primarily as a record keeping body and club for fanciers of this type of dog. A breed standard is the written description of what a breed should look (and lesser degree act) like; this standard is our goal and blueprint to follow as breeders.
Most F1 dogs will conform loosely to this standard, but the ‘perfect’ ideal Pomsky is an ideal, not a specific dog.
Overall Impression The overall impression is of a small but powerful northern-breed dog with substantial bone, small erect ears, and with typical ‘husky’ markings.
- Mini – over 4kg-8kg and up to 15” tall.
- Standard – 8kg-11.4kg and 15-18” tall.
Temperament The Pomsky is a joyful, affectionate dog with great humor and character. Shyness of any sort is to be SEVERELY penalized. Dogs should be outgoing, confident, but non-aggressive and social with people and other dogs. Exuberance should not be penalized or mistaken for aggression. Extremely shy dogs and aggressive dogs of any level shall be disqualified.
Color & Markings All colors and patterns allowed. Ideally a white or cream ground with markings on the head, face, and back in the typical ‘husky’ pattern, including a generally symmetrical mask. The markings may be of any color but merle and brindle are not preferred. Solid color dogs other than white are not preferred. Particolor patterns or irish markings are acceptable. ‘Pinto’ markings (including split-face) are less preferred but should not be penalized. Nose color should harmonize with the coat color with darker pigment to be preferred. Eyes may be any color or combination of colors. Color and markings should not be considered more highly than a dog’s general conformation and breed type overall – no good dog is a bad color.
Coat The coat must be double, with a soft undercoat and guard hairs which stand off from the body. Three coat varieties are allowed, Standard (similar to a Siberian), plush (Longer coat on the body and a distinct tail plume and ruff, similar to a Pomeranian, American Eskimo, or German Spitz), and wooly (Similar to plush, but significantly longer). All three types are short on the face. Furnishings on the feet are allowable but should not be profuse (and may be trimmed for neatness if present.) The coat should be long enough to pad the outline of the dog even in standard coated dogs, but a coat which completely obscures the dog’s profile is excessive and should be penalized. The coat should not be cut or clipped other than minor trimming for neatness around the toes and tail. An excessively short double coat is a severe fault, as is cottony or excessively soft coat. A flat ‘spaniel’ coat is a disqualification.
Neck, Topline,
Body The body is short-coupled and slightly longer than tall. Dogs possess substantial bone for their size. The rib cage is well sprung and the chest is relatively deep and let down between the forelegs. There is an appearance of significant forechest and posternum with moderate substance and profuse fur. The topline is firm and level from the withers to croup. The croup is slightly sloped away from the spine. The Neck is carried proudly, arched, strong, and of medium length. Tail may be curled over the back or carried out behind in motion like a banner, but when uncurled, should reach to the hock. If curled, the tail should be long enough to form a loose three-quarters circle. Fault: excessively long body, weak or roached topline, tail ‘piggy’, kinked or too short, or tightly curled.
Head The expression is keen but sweet, with a hint of mischief. The eyes are almond shape, set obliquely, and of any color. Eyes should not be excessively round and are of moderate size. The muzzle is full, of medium width, and gradually tapers to the nose. The muzzle makes up approximately 1/3 of the skull length. The stop is moderate. The surface of the skull is fairly wide and slightly rounded. Ears should be small, triangular, and set on the corners of the skull. Bite should be level or scissors. Excessively small teeth or weak underjaw are faults. Snipey or fine muzzles should be faulted.
Movement. Movement should be free, springy, and floating. While showing they should be kept on a loose lead. Goosestepping and stilted movement are severe faults.
Forequarters The elbows are the same length from ground to elbow as there is from elbow to wither. Elbows are parallel and tight to the body. When viewed from the front the legs are straight and moderately spaced. The shoulder blades lay below the high point of the spine and at a laid-back angle. Pasterns are slightly sloped and strong. Dewclaws may be removed or left natural. Faults-weak pasterns, too heavy or light boned, too narrow or too wide when viewed from the front, toed in or out, out at the elbow.
Hindquarters The rear assembly is strong, well-muscled, and has ample bone. When viewed from the rear the legs should be straight and parallel. The width from hip to hip should be the same as the width from shoulder to shoulder. Hind and front angulation correspond. The knees face forward and turn neither in nor out. The rear legs have moderate angulation at the hock and stifle. The hock is short, parallel to each other when viewed from the front or rear, and perpendicular to the ground. The hock is approximately 1/3 the total height of the dog’s rear. Dewclaws may be removed. Faults- straight stifle, cow-hocks, long hocks, slipped hocks, too heavy or too light.
Feet. Feet should be tight, neat, relatively large, and oval in shape. Trimming of fur for neatness is acceptable. Feet should not be flat or splayed.
Disqualifications Aggressive behavior, smooth or flat coat, dwarf or appearance of being dwarf. In intact males, the absence of two normal and descended testicles is also a disqualification.
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